At the Corner of Olive & Onion by Robin Lee Makowski, NWS
Robin Lee Makowski
New NWS Signature Member
Keystone Heights, FL
NWS Award XV
Artist Statement:
"At the Corner of Olive & Onion" is #40 in my Happy Hour Series. I challenge myself with each new painting to push the envelope a little farther, and this one was a doozy! Glass, reflection, and refraction are familiar subjects for me, but I try to learn something new from them and present them differently with each painting. The process is not always fun, but when I'm happy and excited about the results, it was worth the effort.
New NWS Signature Member
Keystone Heights, FL
NWS Award XV
Artist Statement:
"At the Corner of Olive & Onion" is #40 in my Happy Hour Series. I challenge myself with each new painting to push the envelope a little farther, and this one was a doozy! Glass, reflection, and refraction are familiar subjects for me, but I try to learn something new from them and present them differently with each painting. The process is not always fun, but when I'm happy and excited about the results, it was worth the effort.