Frank Webb - Angles on the Beach
Watercolor painting by Frank Webb from Pittsburgh, PA.
NWS Combined Award XIX - NWS Member & Watercolor West Award
Artist Statement: When asked how I have sustained intensity in the everydayness of painting I reply, “The aim of the painter is to create. The aim of the public is to enjoy. Art is one of the grandest of inquiries while giving quality to each moment as it passes. Art emerges from the self but is addressed to the masses."
NWS Combined Award XIX - NWS Member & Watercolor West Award
Artist Statement: When asked how I have sustained intensity in the everydayness of painting I reply, “The aim of the painter is to create. The aim of the public is to enjoy. Art is one of the grandest of inquiries while giving quality to each moment as it passes. Art emerges from the self but is addressed to the masses."