Christine Misencik Bunn - Selfie
Watercolor painting by Christine Misencik Bunn from Fredericktown, OH.
NWS Combined Award XV - Beverly Willing Memorial Award
Artist Statement: Painting is a spiritual and cathartic process for me. I began this piece from photographs. After I drew it on my paper, I couldn't paint it! I used mirrors instead!. It was then that emotions of sadness and stress started to appear. The writing seemed appropriate to document my thoughts. Thus, the name "selfie" seemed appropriate!
NWS Combined Award XV - Beverly Willing Memorial Award
Artist Statement: Painting is a spiritual and cathartic process for me. I began this piece from photographs. After I drew it on my paper, I couldn't paint it! I used mirrors instead!. It was then that emotions of sadness and stress started to appear. The writing seemed appropriate to document my thoughts. Thus, the name "selfie" seemed appropriate!